What to know about area 51?

  • 2 years ago
What to know about Area 51?

Area 51 has been cloaked in mystery for decades.
The full scope of what's inside Area 51 hasn't been released to the public,
causing many to speculate that it's probably aliens.
"I was approaching a country of Earth called the United States of America."
The official name of Area 51 is the Nevada Test and Training Range at Groom Lake.
People have reported seeing unidentified flying objects around there since the 1940s.
In 1959, the Reno Evening Gazette published the story
"More Flying Objects Seen in Clark Sky." This opened the floodgates
for other reports of UFO sightings.
Area 51 wasn't even officially acknowledged by the government until 2013,
when it was revealed to the public by Jeffrey Richelson, who submitted a Freedom of Information Act request.
As far as we know,
Area 51 is a secretive military flight testing
and open training range facility for the U.S. Air Force.
But even to this day, people in southern Nevada continue to report UFO sightings
