The fight for power over Shiv Sena, which started in Maharashtra, is at an important stage. The Election Commission of India has frozen the party's name and election symbol 'Dhanush-Baan'. In this case Uddhav Thackeray and Chief Minister Eknath Shinde now have the option of choosing a new name and symbol. However, if you look at the electoral history of Shiv Sena, which is more than 5 decades old, the party has entered the electoral arena many times on different symbols
#BalThackeray #Shivsena #UddhavThackeray #Maharashtra #BowAndArrow #PrabodhankarThackeray #HWNews
#BalThackeray #Shivsena #UddhavThackeray #Maharashtra #BowAndArrow #PrabodhankarThackeray #HWNews