Carpe Diem Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: Nothing could go wrong when pregnant drifters - Natasha and Vern - find a room for the night by invading a rural home of Martha and Bob. After accidentally killing the couple, their initial plan to stay in the house for a few days and rob the place, quickly changes when they find a closet full of cocaine. Seeing a way to make easy money, Natasha and Vern decide to steal Martha and Bob's identities and take over the drug business. However, things start to go awry when the drug kingpin's son arrives to keep an eye on things, a nosy neighbor sees more than he should, DEA is closing in on Martha and Bob, and the real father of the baby is coming for Natasha.
Director Andrew Arguello, MJ Palo
Writers MJ Palo, Gregory Klino
Actors Emily Sweet, Jasmeet Baduwalla, Nick Josten, Angela Barber, Lukas Silva, James H. Jackson, Holly Lorge, Chris Thigpen
Genre Thriller, Drama
Run Time 1 hour 40 minutes
Director Andrew Arguello, MJ Palo
Writers MJ Palo, Gregory Klino
Actors Emily Sweet, Jasmeet Baduwalla, Nick Josten, Angela Barber, Lukas Silva, James H. Jackson, Holly Lorge, Chris Thigpen
Genre Thriller, Drama
Run Time 1 hour 40 minutes
Short film