• 3 years ago
भारत का नया नाविक Map आ गया || अब गूगल Map का उपयोग करना छोड़ो || New Naval Map of India has arrived

#navikmap #newmapofindia #navik
#googlemap #leavegooglemap #newgps #newgpsofindia #indiakanewmap #chinanewmap #japannewmap #americanewmap #usanewmap #russianewmap #newsearchengineofindia
#newsearchengine #indiavsamericanewmap
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#indiavsjapan #indiavspakistan #indiavschina

Friends, who does not know about India's own navigation system i.e. navigator? You must have been hearing the name of the sailor for the last several years. And you must also be hearing that it is going to start in the smart phone soon, but still it has not started yet. A very strict step has been taken. And it is possible that in the coming year i.e. by 1st January 2023 and by the time 5G service will also start in your phone, then you can also start getting the facility of navigator in your phone. |
Friends, you know that India is becoming self-reliant in every field for a long time. And efforts are being made to reduce the dependence on foreign things continuously.
Many Chinese apps have also been banned for a long time. And the government wants that India should no longer depend on the Global Positioning System (GPS) for navigation in smart phones. So the government has now taken this big step.#live #news hindi news,

we covers all the latest breaking news & exclusive update related to Indian current affairs, PM Narendra Modi visit to foreign countries & summits, foreign policy, India's relations with Russia, China, USA, Saudi Arabia, Arab, Europe, Middle East and other nations.
उम्मीद है दोस्तों आपको हमारी यह वीडियो पसंद आएगी |

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