"Warm Time With You" tells the story of an energetic and always-spirited young girl named Wu Jiao Jiao, who lives alone with her nephew Wu Yi.
Both of Wu Yi's parents had passed away and he had no other family members besides Wu Jiao Jiao to take care of and raise him.
Wu Jiao Jiao tried to give the best for Wu Yi both in terms of affection and education, by working to manage a martial arts hall.
Meanwhile, Qi Mo is a handsome president director of a company, who is cold and domineering. Qi Mo is on a mission to grant his father's wish to see his only grandson named Wu Yi.
This is where the custody war between Qi Mo and Wu Jiao Jiao begins. Both feel they are entitled to custody of Wu Yi. Surprisingly, in the midst of the conflict, Qi Mo and Wu Jiao Jiao fell in love with each other.
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Both of Wu Yi's parents had passed away and he had no other family members besides Wu Jiao Jiao to take care of and raise him.
Wu Jiao Jiao tried to give the best for Wu Yi both in terms of affection and education, by working to manage a martial arts hall.
Meanwhile, Qi Mo is a handsome president director of a company, who is cold and domineering. Qi Mo is on a mission to grant his father's wish to see his only grandson named Wu Yi.
This is where the custody war between Qi Mo and Wu Jiao Jiao begins. Both feel they are entitled to custody of Wu Yi. Surprisingly, in the midst of the conflict, Qi Mo and Wu Jiao Jiao fell in love with each other.
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Short film