"The Congress is set to get its first non-Gandhi president in over two decades on Wednesday, with party leaders Mallikarjun Kharge and Shashi Tharoor vying for the top post. Over 9,500 votes cast across the country earlier this week, are presently being counted at the AICC headquarters in New Delhi. The new president will replace interim Congress chief Sonia Gandhi, who has been occupying the post ever since Rahul Gandhi stepped down after the 2019 Lok Sabha elections.
While Kharge has been considered the Gandhi family’s ‘unofficial official candidate’ with a large number of senior leaders backing him, Tharoor pitched himself as the candidate of change. This will be the sixth time in its nearly 137-year-old history that an electoral contest would decide who would take up the mantle of the party’s president.
#MallikarjunKharge #ShashiTharoor #Congress #AICC #SoniaGandhi #RahulGandhi #HWNews
While Kharge has been considered the Gandhi family’s ‘unofficial official candidate’ with a large number of senior leaders backing him, Tharoor pitched himself as the candidate of change. This will be the sixth time in its nearly 137-year-old history that an electoral contest would decide who would take up the mantle of the party’s president.
#MallikarjunKharge #ShashiTharoor #Congress #AICC #SoniaGandhi #RahulGandhi #HWNews