• il y a 3 ans
France is one of the most popular European trades. It is located west of Europe's continent. It is characterized by its beauty, history and famous tourist attractions. It is also characterized by the abundance of coastlines; It is bordered by the Manche Sea, Dover Bay, North Sea, as well as Luxembourg, Belgium, Germany, Italy and Switzerland. The official name is "French Republic."

Paris is its capital and largest city. It is dubbed the "City of the Light", and has many tourist and archaeological venues, as well as high-end hotels, restaurants and popular fashion houses. The French Republic is ranked second largest in the world after the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

France was called Frangue. It derives from the word "Frank", the Germanic people who lived in the State of France. The city remained called Fringe until the fall of Rome. Then it became known as the "Kingdom of Francia." In the reign of King Philippe Augustus, it was named "France", after which it was named the French Republic as the official name of the country. A republican word signifies its system of governance.


