Steve Bannon Sentenced to 4 Months in Prison

  • 2 years ago
Steve Bannon Sentenced , to 4 Months in Prison.
NPR reports that the former Trump adviser has been issued a $6,500 fine in addition to his prison sentence for criminal contempt of Congress.
Federal prosecutors wanted Bannon to receive
six months in prison and a $200,000 fine for pursuing
"a bad faith strategy of defiance and contempt.".
The charges came about after
Bannon refused to provide documents or testimony regarding the events of Jan. 6. .
NPR reports that the House Select Committee sought answers to why he allegedly said
"all hell is going to break loose tomorrow" on Jan. 5.
U.S. District Judge Carl Nichols will consider allowing Bannon to remain free while he appeals since he is unlikely to flee.
Bannon's legal team contends that he shouldn't be incarcerated because he didn't think he was breaking the law since he was heeding advice from his former attorney.
Should a person who has spent a lifetime listening to experts – as a naval officer, investment banker, corporate executive, and Presidential advisor – be jailed for relying on the advice of his lawyers?, Evan Corcoran and David Schoen, Bannon's lawyers, via court filing.
NPR reports that Bannon is the first person in several decades to be incarcerated for contempt of Congress.
However, it seems likely that Peter Navarro, also a former Trump adviser, will head to trial in November for criminal contempt charges related to Jan. 6 as well


