• 3 years ago
Anyone who manages to make it onto "Family Feud," from movie stars to YouTube celebs to unknown randos, is equipped with the possibility of making host Steve Harvey lose his shit, but too few contestants use those metaphorical lemons to make hilarious lemonade. Okay, so it could go down every round and STILL not happen enough, since Harvey’s reactions are consistently priceless. Such was the case when one family found it a bit “ruff” to logically answer a dog-centric survey question, which led Harvey to not only show off his high-pitch-screaming skills, but also abandon his question card in a fit of laughter.

Without further ado(g), check out the video below, in which the Phillips family provides a roller coaster of answers that bounce from “Good” to “Bad” to “Do You Know How Dogs Communicate?” And note that it’s around the 2:15 mark that the clip reaches its card-tossing apex.
