プリンス・ウィリアムズ・パーク 英国庭園。2015年英国王室・ウィリアム王子が訪問したことをきっかけに、日英の友好と復興の証として整備された庭園です。バラをはじめ、四季折々の花々が園内を鮮やかに彩っています。
Prince Williams Park English Garden. The garden was developed as a testament to the friendship and revival of Japan and Britain after the visit of the British royal family, Prince William, in 2015. Starting with roses, seasonal flowers brightly color the park.
Taoyaka Internet Broadcasting Website: http: //taoyaka.at-ninja.jp/
Prince Williams Park English Garden. The garden was developed as a testament to the friendship and revival of Japan and Britain after the visit of the British royal family, Prince William, in 2015. Starting with roses, seasonal flowers brightly color the park.
Taoyaka Internet Broadcasting Website: http: //taoyaka.at-ninja.jp/