• 3 years ago
Willow S01 Special Look - Plot Synopsis: The story began when an aspiring sorcerer, played by Warwick Davis, is whisked away on a journey to protect an infant empress Elora Danan and vanquish the evil Queen Bavmorda from their world of Andowyne. Now, the story continues with Davis reprising his titular role, as he leads an unlikely crew of heroes on a quest to protect Andowyne from an even larger foe than they had imagined possible.

directed by Stephen Woolfenden, Debs Paterson, Jamie Childs (various episodes)

starring Warwick Davis, Erin Kellyman, Ellie Bamber, Tony Revolori, Ruby Cruz, Amer Chadha-Patel, Dempsey Bryk, Joanne Whalley, Kevin Pollak

release date November 30, 2022 (on Disney Plus)

Willow season 1 trailer

