This is “kulning” But still, it isn’t

  • 2 years ago

This is “kulning”
But still, it isn’t.

Because, I have found inspiration from those ancient calls which all kinds of cultures have used for calling in their animals and communicating over larger distances.

“Kulning” in the nordic realms, is what woman did while calling their animals- or communicating with eachother.

Far upon the farm in the hills and mountains, away from societies rules and demandings. They made their own days and their own rules.

It was hard work, but some of them said it was their most happiest days.

I feel power in making these “calls” my own. To call them my own. Not letting any rules of how it should sound like rule my expression.

As it is with your life. My life.

Create your own rules, in the spaces you can.
So often, I find myself to have prisoned myself in some way that I never thought was possible to be free. To be free is an endless journey, but hiw wonderful and “freeing” it feels!!!!

Have you just realised a space where you actually can free yourself?

#musicheals #lightbeings
#starseedwisdom #divineunion


