• 3 years ago
The incident occurred on Halloween in Itaewon, Seoul, Korea, on Saturday (29 October).The video amatir depicts gang members in a way that makes them more likely to succeed.According to Reuters, 146 people committed suicide and 150 committed luka-luka.Temuan sementara, mereka yang meninggal akibat terhimpit kerumunan orang dan terinjak saat berdesak-desakan merayakan Halloween di sebuah pack.
Petugas penanganan darurat and kepolisian work together to protect the patient.From the keadaan kacau, para petugas damkar and warga take care of people who are too sad for you.
In addition, Seoul's Kedutaan Besar RI coordinates with a variety of stakeholders to gather information regarding the WNI's korban.
