Don't panic, the next Call of Duty will be available on PlayStation

  • 2 years ago
Despite the acquisition of Ubisoft by Microsoft, the next Call of Duty will not be an Xbox exclusive!
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The president of the American company continues to pound this point home to the public, despite Microsoft's prompt confirmation that the Call of Duty franchise would remain on PlayStation following its acquisition of Activision Blizzard. Phil Spencer has reiterated Microsoft's aim to keep the series on Sony's gaming platform. Better, the President of Microsoft Gaming stated on the microphone of Same Brain (source in English) that he planned to eventually make Call of Duty available on his rival's platforms.
It won't be an Xbox exclusivity for Call of Duty

In fact, the CEO of Microsoft Gaming has stated that Microsoft did not intend to alienate fans of the series. The goal is to be able to provide Call of Duty games in the future on both the PlayStation 5 and other Sony-produced media.

The objective is apparent, but Phil Spence likes to reiterate it because many supporters and government agencies worry that Microsoft's acquisition of the ATVI group would give the American company too much power. Fear stems from the ability to remove numerous games from Microsoft-owned studios from the PlayStation catalog.

Since Call of Duty consistently ranks among the top-selling video games worldwide, it is at the center of this discussion (for more information, read our analysis of the impact of Microsoft's offer on Activision Blizzard). Its exit from the PlayStation might affect current and upcoming models of Sony's platform in terms of sales.
Will the Game Pass soon include Call of Duty?

Even if future Call of Duty games are well received on the Sony platform, Microsoft may still benefit from owning the Activision studio in that it may be able to put next COD games on the Game Pass as soon as they are published.

Although Phil Spence did not specifically address this potential, it is currently one of the license's hot buttons.
Given this potential, many COD users might decide to move to the Xbox Series and its Game Pass in order to avoid paying the full price for the game.

It should be noted that Microsoft wants to reduce the pace at which Call of Duty games are released, with an opus coming out every two years rather than on an annual basis.

Phil Spence has reaffirmed the notion that Microsoft intends to continue to release Call of Duty games for the PlayStation even after purchasing the Activision studio.
On our Call of Duty section, you can discover all of our tutorials as well as MW2's news, leaks, and patches.
Is Call of Duty: Warzone a good video game?

Yes Call of Duty: Warzone is a great video game, we are proud to have given it a rating of 78%. Any good gamer must have played Call of Duty: Warzone at least once in his life, we can even fully consider it as one of the best games of the genre! In short, it is a must and you must try it if you have the opportunity!