• 3 years ago

Today, I'm giving you some ideas for recycling and making use of things in your home. This way you can save money and do new things.
You can make shirt buttons out of plastic straws. Cut the straw into small pieces, place the parchment paper on the iron, then press the straw. The straw will shrink into a flat lump. Then use a hot needle to punch a hole in the center. Done.
Another cool trick with straws is to attach them to a vacuum cleaner to suck in hard-to-reach places.
Pour soap in a bowl, add water and food coloring. Blow bubbles using a straw and use the bubbles to color your clothes printing fun patterns on old jackets.
If your chair breaks, you can fix it with a piece of plastic bottle. Connect the damaged parts and then heat the plastic with a soldering iron so that it melts and hardens around the plastic.

Time marker:
1:09 - Cool vacuum trick
3:07 - Plastic bottles become hanging pots
4:55 - Recycle chewing gum containers
7:14 - Stationery shelf
10:05 - Tricks using plastic bottles
11:36 - Cable receptacle
13:05 - How to recycle plastic containers
15:16 - DIY spice containers
