Computer - An Electronic Machine Class 1 - Points to Remember & Keywords- Ep 4

  • 2 years ago
Computer - An Electronic Machine Class 1 - Points to Remember & Keywords- Ep 4

Computer – An Electronic Machine
Students’ Learning Outcomes:
 Differentiate between natural things & machine
 Recognise uses of different machine
 List the uses of a computer
Types of machines
Mobile Phone
Washing Machine
Parts of Computer
Uses of Computer in many ways:
 To write text
 To solve sums
 To play games
Computer Rules:
 Do not touch the wires of a computer
 Always keep your hands clean. Dirty hands will make the computer dirty.
Points to Remember
Key Words
Machine: a man-made thing that makes work easier.
Computer: an electronic machine that helps to write, draw and learn.

Choose the correct word and write in the space provided.
Fill in the blanks.
Tick the correct and cross the incorrect statements.
Answer the following questions.
Join the dots and color the pictures.
Fill in the missing letters.
Look at the pictures and write “Natural” or “Man-Made” with each.
Explain the difference between natural and man-made things by showing various relevant things.
Discuss various tasks we can do using a computer system.