• 2 years ago
Bwipo: "Fnatic Still Wanted Me... But I NEEDED A CHANGE!" League of Legends toplaner Bwipo spent four years with Fnatic, winning European titles and making it to the 2018 LoL Worlds grand final, but he's leaving it all behind and moving to NA and the LCS with Team Liquid.

He's played with the likes of Rekkles, Caps, Hylissang, and more during his time in the LEC, but in 2022 he wants to find something he felt he was lacking in EU and Fnatic.

Dexerto League of Legends offers a variety of video content, including the best LoL moments, League of Legends documentaries, LCS analysis, original LoL shows & and trending League news from around the scene. Dexerto's LoL content focuses around huge names, such as: Faker, Perkz, Rekkles, Doinb, Doublelift, Bjergsem, TheShy, Uzi, Zven, Caps, Bengi, Bdd, Sneaky & Piglet, from huge orgs such as Gen.G, TOP, Fnatic, JD, Invictus, FPX, Cloud9, G2 & T1. Join our growing LoL community as we provide top quality League content from the season's start to finish. Get involved in our YouTube Community polls, give us your opinions & start debates on either our community posts or via our video comment sections!

#LoL #LeagueofLegends #Bwipo #Fnatic #TeamLiquid #Bjergsen #Rekkles #Hylissang #LEC #LCS #Esports #Lolesports

The "Heartbreaking" Moment That Cost Misfits Worlds | Deficio Reveals All: https://youtu.be/-IGl4r_3zJM
The Jungle: Canyon Is the BEST Jungler EVER | Worlds 2021 Final Preview: https://youtu.be/PXf9qhB9ZFY
Welcome Mr World Wide Bwipo to Team Liquid!: https://youtu.be/B4UV6QVDZv4

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Producer: Matt Porter
Presenter: James Sellers
Editor: Michael Gately

Fnatic https://www.youtube.com/c/fnatic/featured
Team Liquid LoL - https://twitter.com/TeamLiquidLoL
Team Liquid LoL - https://www.youtube.com/c/TeamLiquidLOL/featured
Fnatic - https://twitter.com/FNATIC
LoL Esports Vods - https://www.youtube.com/c/lolesportsvods/featured
