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NA at Worlds 2021: “BIGGEST DISAPPOINTMENT EVER!” | MonteCristo Reacts | LCS LoL teams had a torrid time in the first round-robin of Worlds 2021, with Perkz’s Cloud9, CoreJJ’s Team Liquid and FBI’s 100 Thieves collectively picking up just two wins from nine League of Legends Worlds 2021 games.

And Christopher ‘MonteCristo’ Mykles believes LCS teams are producing their worst LoL Worlds outing ever, as the League of Legends World Championship group stage enters its second round of fixtures.

Dexerto League of Legends offers a variety of video content, including the best LoL moments, League of Legends documentaries, LCS analysis, original LoL shows & and trending League news from around the scene. Dexerto's LoL content focuses around huge names, such as: Faker, Perkz, Rekkles, Doinb, Doublelift, Bjergsem, TheShy, Uzi, Zven, Caps, Bengi, Bdd, Sneaky & Piglet, from huge orgs such as Gen.G, TOP, Fnatic, JD, Invictus, FPX, Cloud9, G2 & T1. Join our growing LoL community as we provide top quality League content from the season's start to finish. Get involved in our YouTube Community polls, give us your opinions & start debates on either our community posts or via our video comment sections!

#LeagueofLegends #Worlds2021 #LCS #Cloud9 #100Thieves #TeamLiquid #Perkz #CoreJJ #FBI #LoLEsports

"Closest Group Stage EVER!" LoL Worlds 2021 | MonteCristo Reacts https://youtu.be/h0hhn0-0c_A
The Jungle: LoL Pro LEAKS STRATS For *SAUCY* Pics?! Worlds 2021 Groups Preview https://youtu.be/FKcFnG0oJlg
ALL IN NOW! | Worlds 2021: Group Stage Day 4 Tease https://youtu.be/NsDLjWvvwuI

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Host: Christopher 'MonteCristo' Mykles
