Why Did Rekkles Join Karmine Corp?! The LEC's best ever ADC Rekkles shocked the world by announcing he's joining LFL side Karmine Corp for the 2022 season. The former Fnatic and G2 LoL player will be playing in the second tier of League of Legends, and everyone is wondering why!
Will Rekkles win EU Masters and make a quick comeback to the LEC next year? Or is he thinking longer term?
Dexerto League of Legends offers a variety of video content, including the best LoL moments, League of Legends documentaries, LCS analysis, original LoL shows & and trending League news from around the scene. Dexerto's LoL content focuses around huge names, such as: Faker, Perkz, Rekkles, Doinb, Doublelift, Bjergsem, TheShy, Uzi, Zven, Caps, Bengi, Bdd, Sneaky & Piglet, from huge orgs such as Gen.G, TOP, Fnatic, JD, Invictus, FPX, Cloud9, G2 & T1. Join our growing LoL community as we provide top quality League content from the season's start to finish. Get involved in our YouTube Community polls, give us your opinions & start debates on either our community posts or via our video comment sections!
#LoL #LeagueofLegends #Rekkles #KarmineCorp #KCorp #LEC #G2 #Fnatic #Esports
The Jungle: Canyon Is the BEST Jungler EVER | Worlds 2021 Final Preview: https://youtu.be/PXf9qhB9ZFY
Top 3 Rekkles Plays EVER: https://youtu.be/gnMsbrnnBRA
Rekkles | Vayne ADC: Abusing Sentinel Vayne!: https://youtu.be/qTiVnFjQdA4
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Producer: Matt Porter
Host: James Sellers
Writer: Matt Porter
Editor: Michael Gately
Fnatic - https://www.youtube.com/c/fnatic/featured
Caedrel Clips - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCU9Vd2lRheyB374OjW7iVJg/featured
Karmine Corp - https://twitter.com/KarmineCorp
G2 Esports - https://www.youtube.com/c/G2esports/Featured
BloopGG - https://twitter.com/BloopGG
LoL Esports - https://www.youtube.com/c/lolesports/featured
Based Amumu - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHNhJ8Yjvni58FtDfBFnvmQ/featured
LoL esports Vods - https://www.youtube.com/c/lolesportsvods/featured
LEC WooLoo - https://twitter.com/LEC_Wooloo
Will Rekkles win EU Masters and make a quick comeback to the LEC next year? Or is he thinking longer term?
Dexerto League of Legends offers a variety of video content, including the best LoL moments, League of Legends documentaries, LCS analysis, original LoL shows & and trending League news from around the scene. Dexerto's LoL content focuses around huge names, such as: Faker, Perkz, Rekkles, Doinb, Doublelift, Bjergsem, TheShy, Uzi, Zven, Caps, Bengi, Bdd, Sneaky & Piglet, from huge orgs such as Gen.G, TOP, Fnatic, JD, Invictus, FPX, Cloud9, G2 & T1. Join our growing LoL community as we provide top quality League content from the season's start to finish. Get involved in our YouTube Community polls, give us your opinions & start debates on either our community posts or via our video comment sections!
#LoL #LeagueofLegends #Rekkles #KarmineCorp #KCorp #LEC #G2 #Fnatic #Esports
The Jungle: Canyon Is the BEST Jungler EVER | Worlds 2021 Final Preview: https://youtu.be/PXf9qhB9ZFY
Top 3 Rekkles Plays EVER: https://youtu.be/gnMsbrnnBRA
Rekkles | Vayne ADC: Abusing Sentinel Vayne!: https://youtu.be/qTiVnFjQdA4
► Dexerto CS:GO - https://youtube.com/c/dexerto
► Dexerto Call of Duty - https://www.youtube.com/c/dexertocall...
► Dexerto VALORANT - https://www.youtube.com/c/dexertovalo...
► Influenced by Dexerto - https://www.youtube.com/c/InfluencedByDexerto
► Twitter - https://twitter.com/Dexerto
► Instagram - https://instagram.com/Dexerto
► Facebook - https://facebook.com/Dexerto
► YouTube - https://youtube.com/Dexerto
Producer: Matt Porter
Host: James Sellers
Writer: Matt Porter
Editor: Michael Gately
Fnatic - https://www.youtube.com/c/fnatic/featured
Caedrel Clips - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCU9Vd2lRheyB374OjW7iVJg/featured
Karmine Corp - https://twitter.com/KarmineCorp
G2 Esports - https://www.youtube.com/c/G2esports/Featured
BloopGG - https://twitter.com/BloopGG
LoL Esports - https://www.youtube.com/c/lolesports/featured
Based Amumu - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHNhJ8Yjvni58FtDfBFnvmQ/featured
LoL esports Vods - https://www.youtube.com/c/lolesportsvods/featured
LEC WooLoo - https://twitter.com/LEC_Wooloo