• 3 years ago
Matt Hancock revealed how cabinet ministers get fired in Downing StreetMoyles asked Matt: ‘If you’re an MP and you’re tootling along doing your MP job, how does it work? Do you get a phone call saying, “Hi, would you like to be Minister of Transport?”Mr Hancock replied: ‘I’ll tell you exactly what happens.‘It’s reshuffle day and the first thing the Prime Minister does is call the people who he or she is going to fire and invites them into the office in the House of Commons.‘That way the cameras can’t see them coming and going. Face-to-face. These are very sensitive conversations. Then they go into Downing Street and they call people in in order of seniority. They have a whiteboard with all of the cabinet positions on it and they go from senior down.I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here, ITV


