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Watch Kurulus Osman Season 4 Episode 106 In Urdu
Watch Kurulus Osman Season 4 Episode 106 In Urdu Sultan. Since the Russian war that you do not want to join thanks to you, our armies have been renewed and strengthened. It is now time for victory for our army. It’s time for our armies that have not seen victory for a long time to go. If we are going to fight only the Greeks victory is close, Sultan. Sultan. Come, Pasha.

Watch Kurulus Osman Season 4 Episode 8 In Urdu
I reckon the news is bad. Unfortunately, Sultan. Telegraphs are sent daily from the English and Russian embassies. But we do not know what is spoken. What will be spoken, Pasha? They consolidate the alliance in the war against us. Sultan. Watch Kurulus Osman Season 4 Episode 8 In Urdu I’m still surprised by how the Greeks find the courage to fight us. Who are these Greeks? You say, Pasha. The spoiled child of Europe. A tiny state with a population of one million. Behind them are the Russians and the English.

Watch Kurulus Osman Season 4 Episode 106
Who are we? First army? Istanbul army. With its Turk its Albanian and its Bosniak it is solid like a castle. Second army? Edirne army. Yes. Its brave heroes with the Redif Regiments will fight the Greeks. They are all strong. They are all alive. Watch Kurulus Osman Season 4 Episode 106 They all have the fire of Murat Hudavendigar who has conquered Edirne. Third army? The army of Salonica. Its lions who are inspired by the concrete walls of the white castle are ready with their wrists of stone. Spread the news to Skopje, Bosnia,

Watch Kurulus Osman Season 4 Episode 8
and Bitola. Say the son of the Ottoman conquerors has raised a banner they will all come running. Let the barracks in Izmir flow into Salonica. Watch Kurulus Osman Season 4 Episode 8 Fourth army? Erzincan. Yes. Let Erzurum, Elazig, Harput Van, Bitlis and all the Turkish and Kurdish lions join the fourth army. When the Russians come, they will roar like lions. What about Damascus? Fifth army. Damascus let them resist the English attacks from the Mediterranean. Damascus is entrusted to us. If Damascus cries Istanbul cries.

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The sixth army is Baghdad. Let the desert eagles prepare the second barricade. The soldiers of Tripoli, Hejaz are the scorpions of the seventh army. Desert storms that will narrow the Mediterranean. Here we are, Pashas. Here we are. Seven armies in one state. Watch Kurulus Osman Season 4 Episode 106 In Urdu Facebook When we raise the banner of caliphate from the Caucasus from India do not forget the tigers that will come from our Azeri brothers. When the English and the Russian arrive, they will face them. If the issue is only the Greeks

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the army of Salonica is enough for them.

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