SpaceX sends supplies to space station in 54th launch this year

  • hace 2 años
SpaceX launched its 26th space station resupply mission Saturday, sending up 7,700 pounds of equipment and supplies aboard a Dragon cargo ship, including belated Thanksgiving Day treats for the lab's crew, research gear and two new roll-out solar arrays to boost the station's power. Running late because of stormy weather earlier this week, the Falcon 9 rocket's first-stage engines roared to life at 2:20 p.m. EST and the slender rocket shot away from pad 39A at the Kennedy Space Center. About 12 minutes later, the Cargo Dragon was released to fly on its own. If all goes well, the spacecraft will chase down the station early Sunday, approaching from behind and below. After looping up in front of the lab and then above it, the capsule will move in for an autonomous docking at the space-facing port of the forward Harmony module. "Of critical importance to us (are) the two new solar arrays that we'll be doing spacewalks ... to install and deploy on board the International Space Station," sa
