Pasca peristiwa rasisme di Surabaya pada Agustus 2019, gelombang protes dan aksi demonstrasi besar muncul di berbagai tempat di Papua dan beberapa wilayah di Indonesia. Protes dan aksi tersebut membawa satu tuntutan yang hampir seragam, yakni soal perlunya Pemerintah Indonesia untuk mengakhiri perlakuan diskriminatif terhadap rakyat Papua. Sayangnya, meskipun mendapatkan dukungan luas baik secara nasional maupun internasional, protes dan aksi ini mendapatkan respon represif dari pemerintah Indonesia. Dalam hitungan beberapa bulan, puluhan aktivis ditangkap, kebanyakan dari mereka adalah aktivis Papua. Mayoritas dari aktivis tersebut mendapatkan digelandang di persidangan dengan tuduhan telah melakukan makar. Salah satu dari aktivis yang terkena pasal makar tersebut adalah Assa Asso alias Stracky Yally.
Papuan Lives Matter yang diproduksi oleh Lembaga Studi dan Advokasi Masyarakat (ELSAM) bekerjasama dengan Nalar TV memotret perjalanan kasus Assa Asso dalam menghadapi persidangan atas tuduhan melakukan tindakan makar. Melalui cerita Asso, film menunjukkan kompleksitas persoalan yang menyertai satu masalah besar yang selama ini dihadapi oleh orang-orang Papua, yakni keterbatasan untuk menyuarakan ketidakadilan dan aspirasi politik.
After the racism incident in Surabaya in August 2019, waves of protests and massive demonstrations emerged in Papua and several Indonesia regions. These protests and actions brought almost similar demands, namely, to end the Indonesian government's discriminatory treatment of the Papuan people. Unfortunately, despite broad support both nationally and internationally, these protests and actions received a repressive response from the Indonesian government. Within a matter of months, dozens of activists were arrested, most of them Papuan activists. The majority of these activists were dragged to trial on charges of treason. One of the activists affected by the treason clause is Assa Asso alias Stracky Yally.
Papuan Lives Matter, produced by Nalar TV in collaboration with the Institute for Community Studies and Advocacy (ELSAM), captures the Assa Asso case's journey in facing trial on charges of treason. Through Asso's story, the film shows the complexity of the problems that accompany one big problem that Papuan people have faced: the limitation to speak out about injustice and political aspirations.
Papuan Lives Matter yang diproduksi oleh Lembaga Studi dan Advokasi Masyarakat (ELSAM) bekerjasama dengan Nalar TV memotret perjalanan kasus Assa Asso dalam menghadapi persidangan atas tuduhan melakukan tindakan makar. Melalui cerita Asso, film menunjukkan kompleksitas persoalan yang menyertai satu masalah besar yang selama ini dihadapi oleh orang-orang Papua, yakni keterbatasan untuk menyuarakan ketidakadilan dan aspirasi politik.
After the racism incident in Surabaya in August 2019, waves of protests and massive demonstrations emerged in Papua and several Indonesia regions. These protests and actions brought almost similar demands, namely, to end the Indonesian government's discriminatory treatment of the Papuan people. Unfortunately, despite broad support both nationally and internationally, these protests and actions received a repressive response from the Indonesian government. Within a matter of months, dozens of activists were arrested, most of them Papuan activists. The majority of these activists were dragged to trial on charges of treason. One of the activists affected by the treason clause is Assa Asso alias Stracky Yally.
Papuan Lives Matter, produced by Nalar TV in collaboration with the Institute for Community Studies and Advocacy (ELSAM), captures the Assa Asso case's journey in facing trial on charges of treason. Through Asso's story, the film shows the complexity of the problems that accompany one big problem that Papuan people have faced: the limitation to speak out about injustice and political aspirations.
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