Bakhtawar - Ep 19 -[Eng Sub] - 11th Dec 2022 - HUM TV

  • 2 years ago
Cast - Zaviyar Nauman Ejaz, Yumna Zaidi, Saqib Sameer, Sunil Shankar, Huma Nawab,
Adnan Shah Tipu,
Director- Shahid Shafaat
Writer - Nadia Akhtar
Timing and Schedule Every Sunday at 8:00 PM

Cast-Yumna Zaidi-Zaviyar Nauman Ejaz-Saqib -Huma Nawabi-Adnan Shah Tipu-
00:08Who is she?
00:09She is my wife.
00:12People sympathize with you, show love and trap you.
00:14One should be smart enough to put a trap.
00:17If it is so, then I will take her along.
00:22Will you support me in fulfilling my dreams?
00:28I said, wait!
00:30Sir, that Noora …
00:38Madam Hooriya has taken her along.
00:49Nothing Sir.
00:51All I was saying was Sir …
00:55That she is innocent, a little stupid …
01:00It would have been better, if she would have continued working here only.
01:08She is here to work …
01:10Whether she works here or there ...
01:12It’s the same thing.
01:15Immoral! Rogue!
01:18He peeps into decent people’s houses and then he argues.
01:22He was threatening me.
01:24You rogue!
01:25What happened Mr. Haji?
01:27Why are you shouting in the house so early in the morning?
01:29Will you create a fuss in the town every day for this princess?
01:34Who asked you to get married to this young girl and bring her here?
01:37Now guard her …
01:38I can’t do that.
01:40What can you do?
01:42You couldn’t even give me a child in so many years …
01:45I also want someone to call me Father and play with my beard with his small hands.
01:50What else would I have had done if I would not have had married?
01:53That’s it …
01:54You can only blame me for not having a child.
01:57She is the one who is flirting around …
01:58she is the one who got caught …
01:59But I am the one who is always taunted.
02:01Keep quiet!
02:02I will deal with her separately.
02:05You tell me …
02:06that why did you come out unveiled?
02:09I feel like divorcing you and set you free.
02:15It’s only fear of God which hold my tongue from here … from here.
02:18Great Mr. Haji!
02:20You are so fond of giving divorces.
02:22You just keep divorcing and keep remarrying.
02:25This is the only reason you have been brought into this world.
02:28Quiet! Quiet! Quiet!
02:29Keep quiet you foul mouthed woman.
02:31You are becoming abusive day by day.
02:34Such women are told to be put in hell.
02:39Go and get lost!
02:41Let’s go.
02:47This Bakhtu!
03:04If you are upset because Hooriya took Noora along then I will call her back.
03:12Thank you Sir!
03:14But then you will have to agree to my condition Bakhtu.
03:21If you care about Noora so much …
03:23Why don’t you get married to her then?
03:38What are you talking about Sir?
03:40You think she is unsafe there and Hooriya thinks that she is unsafe here until she gets married.
03:52Bakhtu: Sir …
03:53Sir I cannot marry Noora.
04:00Because she is poor …
04:02And you will get education and will move way ahead in life than her.
04:04Sir, it is not so.
04:10That means everybody was right about you …
04:15It was only me who misunderstood you.
04:19Hooriya also said that there is a fraud man behind this innocent face.
04:24No Sir.
04:27I was the one who was wrong about you.
04:58Coming Mother.
05:00She knows it …
05:13What is this?
05:14You guys should have informed before coming.
05:16I would have arranged for some food.
05:21It is our own house …
05:22We are not guests.
05:24I am not talking about you.
05:26I am talking about Ahad.
05:28He is my son in law to be.
05:30He has come to our house for the first time.
05:31It is our duty to take care of him.
05:36Aunty, there is no formality …
05:38We will keep visiting from now onwards.
06:09Here you go!
06:14Have some dear.
06:23Give it to your brother too.
06:30Aunty you too.
06:34Thank you!
06:41Bakhtawar is with you as our belonging …
06:44Keep her safe
06:45and take very good care of her.
06:47We will come soon to take her.
06:50With God’s will.
06:54Congratulations Aunty!
06:56Congratulations to both of you.
07:13There is always a new drama going on in Mr. Haji’s house these days.
07:19Tch, tch, tch, tch.
07:21He had beaten his first wife so much yesterday …
07:26And that too, in front of the new bride.
07:36Have you seen his new bride?
07:38She is a small girl.
07:40She might be her daughter’s age …
07:41Wicked man!
07:43Keep your voice low!
07:44If he gets to hear it he will …
07:46Let him hear.
07:48I swear mother …
07:50I will deal with him once I return here as an officer.
08:11What is this nonsense?
08:14You want the ball?
08:15Should I hit your face with this ball?
08:17You come upstairs and give me the bat too.
08:19Nobody should play here again.
08:21Nobody should play.
08:23You have played enough.
08:30If these kids come to get the ball, don’t give them the ball.
08:34The whole neighborhood is full of such rogue people.
08:37How many people will you safeguard your new bride from?
08:40At least I can save her from him …
08:43I mean,
08:44he cannot pass by our door without peeping into our house.
08:49I will kick them out.
08:51It is not so easy to kick the tenants out on a short notice.
08:55It is not that difficult for me either.
08:57I am not greedy for money.
08:59I can kick them out without a reason. It is my house, I am the owner.
09:03You will kick them out …
09:05What if someone else comes and flirts with your wife, what will you do then?
09:11I will not let that happen.
09:14I have arranged for that too.
09:19You took out 1000 rupees again.
09:22This is also stealing.
09:25They sit like a snake on their husband’s money.
09:44Take this.
09:46What is this?
09:47Open it and read it … you are quiet educated by God’s grace.
09:53Give it to your Mother.
11:26Check the door, who is it?
11:36Tell them that if they have come to return the notice …
11:40Then I apologize.
11:42It’s my final decision and there will be no further discussion in this regard.
11:47You have the authority brother.
11:50It’s your will.
11:52It’s your own house
11:54and we will leave the house whenever you will ask us to.
11:57After all we are your tenants.
12:01But …
12:02But What?
12:04What is this sweet for?
12:05Has your daughter been appointed as an officer?
12:07that will too happen very soon.
12:10Actually, I have fixed my daughter Bakhtawar’s marriage.
12:15This sweet is for that.
12:21Come in.
12:31What happened?
12:32When did you come?
12:33There is no need to be so afraid.
12:35I did not get to know.
12:37You were so involved in your beauty that you don’t realize what is going on around you.
12:43By the way …
12:46You look very beautiful.
12:55Do you like this dress?
12:57I will order the same dress for you.
12:59No …
13:00it is very expensive.
13:05This veil is priceless before your happiness.
13:08You like it, right?
13:10Ok then
13:11I will order a dress like that.
13:14I do so much for your happiness …
13:18Now you also take care of my joys.
13:22I …
13:23I did not get it.
13:25Then try to understand …
13:27Don’t act like a child.
13:51Thank you dear!
13:53Have some.
13:54You are already leaving in a few days.
13:57A little formality is justified.
14:00What if your daughter becomes an officer in the future and we need help?
14:05Isn’t it Mr. Haji?
14:09Its prayer time, I am going.
14:12Actually, I …
14:16I wanted to say that
14:19we will leave as soon as Bakhtawar gets married.
14:23I want to get her married as soon as possible and she gets settled in her house.
14:28Till then if you …
14:29What can I say?
14:31This house belongs to Mr. Haji.
14:33He decides everything.
14:38This is not possible anymore.
14:42I would have given you more time but …
14:45Now Kulsoom has also shifted in this house …
14:50As my wife.
15:04Oh dad, I am so tired.
15:06It was such a long event, it’s so late.
15:09But did you see that we got so much advantage by going there.
15:11We got so much coverage …
15:12And you were not ready to go.
15:17What is your name?
15:22Bring me chilled juice.
15:32You are aware of Naveeda’s nature.
15:34So it is not in my capacity to keep both of them under one roof.
15:43What is this?
15:44Advance rent.
15:46You cannot make us vacate the house without a month’s prior notice
15:49but we are still paying the rent in advance.
15:53You are paying the rent in advance and threatening us well, well done!
15:57We did not threaten you …
15:59But you did,
16:00in the form of notice …
16:01That you will make us vacate the house anytime and throw our stuff on the road.
16:06I want to ask you where is your brother?
16:10He has sent the women in the fore front along with money and sweet.
16:13He is very clever.
16:15He knows how to get the job done.
16:17Send him to me so that he talks to me, I don’t talk to women.
16:22You have no consideration for women, right …?
16:24But still,
16:25you are dependent upon women for making a family and running the house …
16:28And you are so dependent that sometimes you need two of them and you still can’t manage.
16:38Let’s go Mother.
16:41Whether I marry once or twice, what is your problem?
16:44Who are you to stop me?
16:50What is this?
16:53This is my house.
16:54I will do what I will find better.
16:58Can you smell that, the food is burning,
17:00go and stir the food.
17:05You are getting late for your prayers.
17:08Yes, I am going.
17:11be polite with Kulsoom …
17:14This house belongs to her too.
17:24Keep an eye on her.
17:26There might be some other reason behind her desire of living here.
17:31I did not get it Father.
17:34Our personal matters …
17:36Our activities …
17:40She can keep a watch on every minute.
17:44You know dear, our position is such that …
17:47Anyone can take advantage of our weakness.
17:54You know …
17:56Image is very important to politicians, it matters a lot.
18:04They should stand tall before the public.
18:10You are right.
18:12But you don’t need to worry because she is in our favor at the moment.
18:19Think about it that if it goes viral among the media …
18:22That the female staff in Dilawar’s house is treated badly …
18:28There is a restriction on their movement, life style and communication …
18:34To the extent that their marriages are also fixed forcefully …
18:38So all the big claims that Dilawar makes in his interviews …
18:43Will prove to be wrong.
18:46This is the reason I remain lenient to Noora …
18:49So that I can use her at the right time.
18:54You are right.
18:57Dear, you and Dilawar are not separate anymore …
18:59you both are getting married very soon.
19:04End this conflict among yourselves.
19:12This conflict would have had ended if Dilawar would have thought the same Father.
19:28I am praying that Malik Dilawar gets married soon …
19:31So that you get rid of all these responsibilities …
19:33And I am also relieved.
19:48These wedding functions will be over soon …
19:52It’s just a matter of two, three days …
19:55What will happen then Mother …?
19:57What will you tell the people in the neighborhood …?
20:02What will you tell Mr. Haji?
20:05Even today he was asking you to call your Son.
20:10He considers, talking to women as his insult.
20:12To hell with this landlord …
20:14And these neighbors.
20:16If they will ask me, I will tell them,
20:19that my son has gone abroad for studies.
20:22You don’t worry.
20:26Ahad shouldn’t get to know about all this …
20:28God knows, what will he think about us?
20:30You don’t worry Mother …
20:33Naeema will handle it.
20:44Did you see that girl …
20:47That Mr. Haji has bought in the name of marriage …?
20:51She seemed so scared and afraid …
20:58She reminded me of Sister Naseema.
21:05I felt like …
21:09Filing a report against this Haji …
21:13So that he takes a tour of the jail.
21:17Stop it!
21:19I am begging you.
21:22Don’t do any such thing.
21:24Dear, we hardly got rid of Sheeda …
21:28Now take advantage of this situation and …
21:30say yes to Ahad’s marriage proposal …
21:32So that I can also live a relieved life.
21:36Mother, I am getting married anyways …
21:39I did not say no to marriage …
21:42As, I Got my eduction after so many hardships,
21:48I will not let those efforts go in vain.
22:06I am getting married to Ahad …
22:09But have I taken the right decision?
23:28You don’t have to be scared of me …
23:30I am your well-wisher.
23:32Listen to me …
23:35Your name is Kulsoom right?
23:36Your name is Kulsoom?
23:40are you happy with that oldie?
23:44Do you have an identity card?
23:45Answer me.
23:50if you want to save yourself, then listen to me carefully …
23:52Right your name,
23:53address and date of birth on a paper and slide that paper under this door.
24:04Can’t you hear, I have been calling you since long?
24:07Sister, I was watering the plants.
24:09How long does it take to water a few plants?
24:20Come on.
24:21Have you become deaf?
24:29I have been calling you since so long, why are you avoiding me?
24:32I am not avoiding you, I am busy in making arrangements for the function … I get tired.
24:36And on top of it billions of rupees are being spent …
24:40on three functions.
24:42I think
24:43a wedding should be a family affair …
24:45We should invite our close people …
24:46It should be a single function which should be very private, that’s it.
24:49This is all a waste of money and energy.
24:52Now you will say that weddings shouldn’t happen in the first place.
24:55This is how weddings are done …
24:57And we are well off.
24:59You will see …
25:00that our function will be the talk of the town for years.
25:04Talk of the town!
25:06We can become the talk of the town by setting an example.
25:09Our country is facing unemployment, poverty …
25:12What are we showing the people?
25:16I am sick of this every day’s argument.
25:19Every day there is a problem.
25:21If this keeps on going like this then how are we going to survive after marriage?
25:24You are thinking over it now.
25:26I tried convincing Father earlier but …
25:29But what?
25:31You are forced …
25:33You did not want to get married?
25:36This marriage is a political deal between Father and Uncle, and you know this very well …
25:41Why are you acting so surprised then?
25:43I thought you will have some feelings for me in some corner of your heart …
25:49Which I have been trying to search for long.
25:52But I was wrong…..
25:53For father and uncle … This marriage must be a political deal
25:57But it was never be a deal for me nor will it ever be.
26:30Naeema will come for the wedding now.
26:33She was very happy.
26:35She was saying, she will tell everyone in the village, once this marriage takes place.
26:39Even to your Uncle.
26:42What is the point of making her study further?
26:46What will she be able to do at max?
26:49She will give tuitions to a few children.
26:53It is so strange …
26:59I wanted to meet Uncle as an officer …
27:08But now I will meet him as a bride.
27:15By getting married to me….
27:17Do you think that you will be pulled down in any way?
27:20Do you feel that way?
27:24Tell me Bakhtawar?
27:26If you think…
27:28that I am becoming a barrier in fulfilling your dreams …
27:32Then you can reject my marriage proposal.
27:34No, no.
27:40It is not like that.
27:45You are very nice Ahad.
27:48You have always supported me …
27:52And I really appreciate it.
27:58I promise you,
28:00I will never let you regret this decision of yours.
28:05Even, I am expecting the same from you.
28:11I will live up to your expectations,
28:14I am sure.
28:25I am getting late for office …
28:27I will take your leave.
28:31Pay my regards to Aunty Shareefa.
28:57This newly wedded bride of yours is getting courageous everyday …
29:00She did not learn a lesson from that day’s fight.
29:03What did the innocent girl do now?
29:05She takes hours to clean the courtyard …
29:08Whereas the house chores are done within the blink of an eye …
29:11She tries to get away from the house chores.
29:14What are you trying to say?
29:15What do I want to say …?
29:17That she is flirting with the boys in the neighborhood.
29:26You keep doubting all the time,
29:27you keep interrogating all the time.
29:29Accusing anyone without any proof is a sin.
29:35Tell me honestly …
29:36Did you witness anything of that sort?
29:39That’s it …
29:40You don’t trust my words.
29:44Though it is going to be small wit, great boast …
29:47You are an oldie,
29:49you are old and decrepit,
29:52and the neighbor’s boy is young …
29:55He is almost the same age.
29:57You go out for business purposes a lot of times …
30:00And I don’t step out of the house …
30:02If she does anything in future, then don’t come and complaint.
30:06God forbid!
30:11She is like a younger Sister to you.
30:13Don’t you dare!
30:14My younger Sisters are not that type.
30:22Drink your tea, she is still home.
30:38Make me a cup of tea.
30:45Hooriya and I have tolerated a lot …
30:48But things….
30:50have gone beyond my tolerance Sher zaman.
30:53Look, this is their personal matter.
30:55Children keep arguing over petty issues …
30:57We ….should not take these matters seriously.
31:02This is a matter of my one and only Daughter’s life.
31:08I will definitely take this matter seriously, Malik.
31:12Chaudry, even I could take a lot of matters seriously …But I always let go.
31:18Even after the engagement, rumors were spread to ruin my Son’s image …
31:27And I know that, who is being advantaged by damaging our image.
31:32Then you must know that you were at a greater advantage in fixing this marriage proposal Malik.
31:39Don’t forget …
31:41We have withdrawn men from a lot of areas so that your candidates can win …
31:48Just consider that if you are getting a few seats after a few years …
31:52It would be because of us.
31:55Ok just relax.
31:57I have come to your house, just get me a cup of tea.
32:00Look the wedding is in a few days
32:03and I don’t want
32:04any more misunderstandings during this time.
32:09I will talk to Dilawar myself …He will come and apologize to Hooriya.
32:19Get me some tea.
32:52Come inside.
33:01Keep it.
33:07Do you want to say something?
33:12Are you upset with me?
33:15Why would I be upset with you?
33:18I felt … maybe.
33:21You feel a lot of things that are not actually happening.
33:26Have I made a mistake?
33:30You did not make a mistake …
33:32Rather we made a mistake …
33:36By bringing you here.
33:37By the way you are not happy to be here, right?
33:39No it is not like that.
33:42It is just that I miss Madam at times.
33:45She always treated me like her own child …
33:47And junior Mr. Malik is also very nice.
33:49And …
33:50And what about Bakhtu?
33:53By the way what is your relation with Bakhtu?
33:58Don’t pretend that you don’t understand things.
34:01I …
34:02I actually did not understand.
34:05Why don’t you share the same relation
34:06with me that you had with Bakhtu…
34:13I know everything.
34:17Bakhtu was not fair with you.
34:20He promised to marry you and then he backed off.
34:24You don’t lack anything.
34:27You are taking it wrong.
34:29There is nothing like that between me and Bakhtu.
34:32And what do you think about me?
34:35About you …
34:37You are a good person …
34:39And I really like you with all my heart.
34:42Hmmm ….
34:46You like me?
34:53You want to marry me?
34:58How dare you?
34:59You will have to pay for this disrespect.
35:28We are poor people
35:30but we are respectable and honorable as well.
35:32You should be ashamed of what you are saying.
35:34Your family has tons of loans on them …
35:38You have nothing to eat back at home …
35:39and you are standing here and talking about respect and prestige …
35:42If you were so concerned about your respect and prestige
35:45then why did you accept all the gifts from me?
35:48I thought you will …
35:50I thought you will marry me!
35:53Dream according to your status and your limits.
36:09I don’t want to be a politician.
36:10And I don’t want to be a wife to an incompetent politician.
36:14Bakhtu, I want to talk to you.
36:16What is it?
36:28We are here to arrest him.
36:30You want to arrest Bakhtu?
