• 3 years ago
A lesbian couple quit takeaways and holidays to save £40k for fertility treatment - and are now expecting their fourth baby. Asti Jones, 31, and her partner, Lucy Earnshaw, 35, were both set on having children when they started dating in February 2017. Asti had always dreamed of being a mum and wanted to carry all her babies - which suited Lucy who did not wish to be pregnant. The couple started intrauterine insemination (IUI) - a fertility treatment which involves inserting sperm into a woman's womb - in January 2018. They chose a sperm donor from a clinic who matched up Asti’s appearance and after three attempts they were delighted when they fell pregnant. Their son Grayson, now four, was born on November 5 2018 and the pair waited six months before trying again for their second child. After suffering a miscarriage in July 2019, they found out they were pregnant with Fox, now two, through a different sperm donor in December 2019 and welcomed him in August 2020. Asti went onto have another baby, Wynter, nine months old, in March 2022 and the couple are now pregnant with their fourth baby due in summer 2023. Each child has a different sperm donor and cost between £10k and £15k in hormone treatment and cycles and the pair have now spent around £40k in total to build their family. Despite the expense Asti and Lucy say their family “is worth every penny.” Asti, who owns an alpaca farm, from Preston, Lancashire, said: “It’s expensive but it is so worth it. “When you get that positive test result. “I just wish it was more affordable. “It’s £10k a child. “We did strip back and stop having takeaways and holidays to make sure we could afford it. “But I love being pregnant. “I would be pregnant my whole life if I could. "I never thought I would be able to have my own kids. “It’s the best thing that’s ever happened. “I’ve dreamed of being a mum my whole life. “It’s expensive but it is worth it. “Despite not being biologically Lucy’s, Grayson and Wynter look so much like her. “We would love more kids but financially this will be our last one.” Lucy, who works in retail, said: "It's really strange how similar Grayson and Wynter look to me. "They are not biologically mine so it's a real miracle that they do. "You can never put a price on a child's head. "Our kids are hopefully going to grow up to have a wonderful and joyful life. "It will be worth all our sacrifices over the last few years." Asti and Lucy met while out at the cinema with friends and hit it off instantly and started officially dating in February 2017. “I’d already decided I wanted kids,” Asti said. “I was going to have them with someone or not but if I met someone, they had to fit into that. “Luckily we quickly realised we both wanted children.” The pair started looking into IUI and sperm donors in January 2018 and picked one out who had similar physical features to Asti - and a connection to animals which both Asti and Lucy love. “We went through a clinic donor bank which has limited options,” Asti said. “You find out height, weight, hair colour, eye colour and a brief bit about them. “We couldn’t be picky because the choices are limited.” Lucy added: "All our sperm donors have had some sort of connection to animals. "One was a veterinary nurse and the most recent one grew up on a farm." After three attempts, Asti fell pregnant in February 2018, and they welcomed their first son, Grayson, in November 2018. “Lucy didn’t want to carry any children so that worked perfectly for me,” Asti said. “She takes on more of the paternal role in the family.” Lucy said: "Asti wanted to carry all our children which suited me nicely. "I have a bit more of a dad role. "It was hard in the first few months with Grayson because Asti was breastfeeding him and he didn't want anything to do with me. "I questioned if it was to do with Grayson not being biologically mine. "But then I realised this must just be what all dads go through, and, after the first six months, we were able to develop that bond. "They are all 100 per cent mine." The couple knew they wanted to continue trying for another baby but had to pick out a new sperm donor as Grayson’s donor no longer wanted to do it. “We waited six months before trying again,” Asti said. “We miscarried at 10 weeks with our first attempt but then fell pregnant with Fox in December 2019.” Fox, now two, was born on 23rd August 2020 and looks like Asti's sister – according to her. Still wanting to expand their family, Asti fell pregnant again in 2021 and gave birth to Wynter, now nine months old, on March 14 2022. Despite all being from different sperm donors the children all look like siblings. “They do all look similar,” Asti said. “When I’m out on my own people do jump to conclusions and ask about my husband or boyfriend. “Growing up I never thought I could have own kids. “I thought I’d have to adopt or something. “Sperm donors and fertility treatments give you the freedom


