Another 'Made in China' drone recovered near LoC in Amritsar

  • last year
Yet another 'Made in China' drone recovered along the Line of Control (LoC) in Amritsar. BSF personnel found a flying drone entering Indian territory at around 7.40 pm on December 25. The drone fell near Rajatal village, Amritsar & was later recovered from the fields. It is a quadcopter with a camera and was shot down after 20 rounds of fire. “A drone was seized in Rajatal, Amritsar at around 7.40 pm, yesterday. We found it near the fence, it's a quadcopter with a camera. It's made in China, we fired at the drone and eventually recovered it. ” said BSF personnel Anant.
The troops during the search found a Quadcopter lying in farming fields ahead of the border fence, BSF said. The BSF has foiled several drone intrusions attempts recently.