The Super Mario Bros. Movie (2023)
A plumber named Mario travels through an underground labyrinth with his brother, Luigi, trying to save a captured princess.
Release date: April 7, 2023 (USA) Trending
Directors: Aaron Horvath, Michael Jelenic.
Distributed by: Universal Pictures
Language: English
Music composed by: Brian Tyler, Koji Kondo
Producers: Shigeru Miyamoto, Chris Meledandri
A plumber named Mario travels through an underground labyrinth with his brother, Luigi, trying to save a captured princess.
Release date: April 7, 2023 (USA) Trending
Directors: Aaron Horvath, Michael Jelenic.
Distributed by: Universal Pictures
Language: English
Music composed by: Brian Tyler, Koji Kondo
Producers: Shigeru Miyamoto, Chris Meledandri
Short film