Who Will Disappear First_ The Human Species Or The Planet Earth_

  • 2 years ago
As it has arisen, life on Earth is inevitably destined to end. The first life forms to disappear will be the complex ones, such as human beings, and only later will it be the turn of the simple ones. The fate of the planet is also already sealed, intimately connected to the life cycle of the Sun, which is halfway through its journey.
The spark of life was ignited billions of years ago on Earth, perhaps triggered by the impact of meteorites or comets capable of feeding the primordial soup from which everything began.
Whatever process made Earth the only planet (known to us) with an extraordinary biosphere, it is good to know that this enviable privilege will not last forever. Life is doomed to an inevitable end, just as the fate of the globe is sealed. Of course, these are very long times and intimately connected to astronomical phenomena, which have nothing to do with the ephemeral duration of individual human life.
