Girl is over the moon at the news of becoming a big sister

  • 2 years ago
No fancy toys or gadgets could compare to the gift the girl in this video received on Christmas.

This soul-stirring footage features the aforementioned girl, named Molly, opening her Christmas present that has a note stating that she'll be becoming a big sister.

Molly's jaw drops the moment she reads the awesome news and immediately hugs her dad, which is followed by her stepmom entering the scene to celebrate the wholesome moment.

"When my wife and I found out we were pregnant, we were so excited to tell Molly, my 10-year-old daughter, but we decided to wait till Christmas Day and give her the best Christmas present ever... the news that she is going to be a big sister!" the filmer, Tony Carr told WooGlobe.
Location: Hebburn, the UK
WooGlobe Ref : WGA679401
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