turbulance - Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3

  • last year

"Protect the Russian peace delegation en route to Hamburg"

Harkov, one of the President's bodyguards on his protection detail enters a room with President Vorshevsky
Who sits down with a group of men discussing the peace he wants to create with the west
As President Vorshevsky is arguing with Vasili Zhukov
He is interrupted by muffled gunfire in an attempt to capture the President.

The President hits the floor with agents covering him
Three hijackers assault the room, but Pudovkin and Harkov dispatch them in close-quarters combat with their service pistols
The agents start to move the President to the plane's safe room
They move through the plane's interior, and as they near a staircase which is the scene of a battle between agents and hijackers, the plane stalls, sending it plummeting towards the ground
This puts the inside of the plane in a temporary state of zero gravity in which Harkov and the other agents frequently smash into overhead compartments.

After clearing the room of all the hijackers, the agents move downstairs, and fight their way through the kitchen, the operations room, and the cargo bay to rescue Alena Vorshevsky, the president's daughter
The FSO team start to move the President and his daughter to the safe room, but before they can do so, the plane is forced to make an emergency landing
As hijackers pour in to engage the agents, the plane crashes into the ground
The force of the crash tears the plane in two, and the hijackers are still attempting to kill the agents when the portion of the plane they are in hits an air control tower
Federov falls from the plane, and an engine from the plane hurtles through the air, striking the portion of the plane Harkov is in, knocking him out.

Pudovkin drags Harkov onto his feet, and the two stumble out of the wreckage
After exiting the remains of the plane, the agents search for the now missing President
Moving past wounded agents and hijackers, they approach a hangar
Hijackers in armored vehicles start to fill the area, and the agents are forced to use wreckage and luggage as cover

Once the security team secures the President, a helicopter lands to evacuate the President
After opening the door to the helicopter, Harkov discovers that it belongs to Makarov who then proceeds to shoot him as well as Pudovkin and captures the President
Harkov and Pudovkin fall to the ground, Makarov effectively killing Pudovkin with another shot
While Harkov is lying on the ground, wounded, he can overhear a conversation between Makarov and President Vorshevsky.

Makarov demands the launch codes to secure his dominion over Russia, exclaiming "Russia will take all of Europe, even if it must stand upon a pile of ashes"
However, the President refused to give up the launch codes, instead calling Makarov insane
Furious with his stance, Makarov ordered his men to find Alena, stating "Every man has his weakness. Find the girl"
As Harkov tries to reach his gun, Makarov noticing his movement shoots him
