Sadhguru ji

  • last year
A creator, writer, visionary,
Sadhguru is a yogi and a spiritualist

a man whose enthusiasm spills into all that he experiences. Named one of India's 50 most persuasive individuals, Sadhguru's work has contacted the existences of millions overall through his groundbreaking projects. Sadhguru has a novel capacity to make the old yogic sciences pertinent to contemporary personalities, going about as an extension to the more profound components of life. His methodology attributes to no conviction framework, however offers techniques for self-change that are both demonstrated and strong.
Universally eminent speaker and smash hit creator, Sadhguru has been a powerful voice at major worldwide discussions including the Unified Countries World Base camp and the World Monetary Gathering, resolving issues as different as financial turn of events, administration and otherworldliness. He has likewise been welcome to talk at driving instructive foundations, including Oxford, London Business college, IMD, Stanford, Harvard, Yale, Wharton and MIT, to give some examples.
