MWM Ep.3

  • last year
Welcome to a Brand New Branch On Our CymaTree, Marvel With Metatron!

I am your Cychadelic Cychopomp, Chase Clarence Calloway, & this Series is Dedicated To Decoding, Deciphering, and Decolonizing All Of The Ideas That Mono-Theistic Masons Have Stolen From The Libraries Of Egypt

Marvel Comics & The Holy Bible are Created by Masonic Men Who Stole All Of Their Wisdom From The Teachings Of Odin, Hermes, Ahura Mazda, Tehuti, Quetzalcoatl, Idris, Chiquetet, Enoch The Metatron Star, & Many More Messengers Of Mercury.

Why Did The Masons Steal Everything CymaTree Previously Planted Here?

Because They Want To Be Seen As The Only May-Son, Which Represents Zoroaster, The Messenger Of Mercury That Functioned As A Taurus By Bringing Astrology Into This Earth Realm

Historically, Zoroaster Created Zoroastrianism To Communicate With Earth About How The Creator Of Mercury, Ahura Mazda, Is The "One God" That Built This Planetary Body To Manifest What Masons Call "The Metaverse"

The Metaverse Of Ahura Mazda Is Communicated Through Zoroastrianism. Zoroaster, As The Prophet Of Ahura Mazda, Was "Jesus" Way Before A Jesuit Had The Opportunity To Learn From HIs Teachings

In Fact, The Concept Of Jesus Choosing To Sacrifice Himself To The Roman Government Is Directly Stolen From The Accounts Of Zoroaster Sacrificing Himself To Ahura Mazda's Astrological Structure Of Mercury

Odin, Zoroaster, & Enoch All Took Their Information Back To Their Hermetic Heaven Of Mercury By Sacrificing The Desires That Kept Their Mind's Vibration At A Low Frequency (One Space)

The Masons Who Burned Down The Library Of Alexandra & Disconnected The Ancient World Have Built Their Religions On Everything They Could Steal From The Indigenous Ways Mercury Connects With Himself

Instead Of Teaching You How Zoroaster Sacrificed Himself To Mercury So He Could Uphold The Astrology Ahura Mazda Has Put In Place For Your Liberation, Masonic Mono-Theists Would Rather Weaponize Zoroastrian Astrology To Enslave Your Soul By Teaching You That The Only Son Of God Sacrificed Himself To Their Roman-Government So They Can Be Justified In Spreading Their "New World Order" With Genocide

This Is Colonial Witchcraft To The Max

The Creators Of Marvel, The Bible, & The Masonic Banking System Have Gone To Extreme Lengths To Enslave Everyone On Earth With The Ideas They've Stolen From Metatron

So I'm Coming In To The Simulation With My Caduceus & Trippy-Trip C Communication Abilities To Cut Up All The Lies That Masons Are Using To Mar The Truth

Marvel Is Meant To Mar The Veil

Marvel, Like The Bible, Weaponizes The History Of True Indigenous Individuals To Sell You White Supremacist Lies. By Using True Ancient Wisdom To Sell You Fake Masonic Knowledge, The Secret Societies That Run The Banking Systems Feel Like They Are "Manifesting Their Destiny"

If You Want To Know The Truth Behind Metatron's Mysteries, Learn Why Masons Stole All Of Their Money from Mercury At