Joe’s executive orders continue the destruction

  • 2 years ago
Joe signed a number of executive orders with the aim of furthering the decline of the USA. Of course, to the delight of his overlords in Communist China – Red China.

1 – Signed an executive order to promote the 1619 Project in all public schools. This project was developed by the failing New York Times. It claims the USA was founded in 1619 not 1776 when the Declaration of Independence was signed. Since they are going back in time to claim the founding the USA, they should go back fifteen thousand years ago. That is when Native Americans traveled across the Bering Strait from Asia to the Americas.
2 – Next gender identity. Now men and boys can play on women and girls’ sports teams. In addition can use coed showers, bathrooms, and lockers.
3- Will now allow the Commies in China to purchase parts of the power grid in the USA. Joe’s way of paying back his overlords in Beijing.

Note: Wearing a black arm band for mourning the death of the constitutional republic in the USA caused by Democratic Party massive voter fraud. Also noise in the background due to this video was made using a green screen placed on the patio.
