Wolf Starchild 2011 ITTV Show

  • last year
18 Sept 2011
Wolf Starchild, founder of Barefoot Bushcraft and Canada's up and coming Adventurer, Travel Video, Producer and Travel Writer shares his story about where his passion for educating the public about the multitude of majestic natural places in their own back yard began. Wolfe walked the 1000 km Bruce Trail barefoot and during this journey discovered what I believe many of us will need to find in our own lives; he discovered that as soon as he slowed down, his world changed. My hope is that anyone who has anything to do with children, personally or professionally, take the time to listen to Wolf speak about Nature Deficit Disorder. His teachings gave me such an amazing ah ha moment and I challenge anyone to listen to this interview and not want to run outside and hug the first tree you find. Wolf's love for his natural environment is pure gold for the soul.

