'Free All Cannabis for Tennesseans Act'

  • 2 years ago
A Tennessee lawmaker wants to see marijuana legalized for all Tennesseans according to new legislation filed on Tuesday. Representative Bob Freeman (D-Nashville-56) is the sponsor of HB0085, also known as the "Free All Cannabis for Tennesseans Act." According to the bill description, a structure for cultivating, processing, and the sale of marijuana would be created and handled by the Department of Agriculture.

Adults would be able to use, possess, or transport up to 60 grams of marijuana or up to 15 grams of marijuana concentrate under the proposed law. In addition, Tennesseans could grow up to 12 plants on their property as long as the property is secured and not visible to the public.

The bill would also allow parents and legal guardians to administer products to minors with medical conditions provided it is signed off on by a doctor. Use of marijuana would not be allowed in public places, in vehicles, aircraft, or watercraft as well as schools or correctional facilities. The bill states Tennessee is lagging in regulating marijuana, ranking behind 38 states and regulation is necessary to "remain competitive nationally and globally."
