• vor 2 Jahren
Year (Jahr): 2008
Release Date (Veröffentlichungsdatum): 2008-10-17
Duration (Spieldauer): 104 min
Director (Regie): Barry Levinson
Actors (Schauspieler): Robert De Niro, John Turturro, Stanley Tucci
Writers (Drehbuch): Art Linson
Country (Land): United States
Original language (Original-Sprache): English
IMDB: 5.6 | Rotten Tomatoes: 50% | TMDB: 5.4

'What Just Happened' is a winningly sharp comedy about two nail-biting, back-stabbing, roller-coaster weeks in the world of a middle-aged Hollywood producer -- as he tries to juggle an actual life with an outrageous series of crises in his day job. Academy AwardA?AR winning director Barry Levinson reunites with Academy AwardA?AR winning actor Robert De Niro and leading producer Art Linson, who wrote the screenplay based on his bestselling memoir. They all join with an all-star cast in this rollicking, shrewd tale of a man besieged by people who want him all to be sorts of things -- a money maker, an ego buster, a bad news breaker, an artistic champion, a loyal husband, an all-knowing father, not to mention sexy, youthful and tuned-in -- everything except for the one thing he and all the preposterously behaved people he's surrounded by really are: bumbling human beings just trying to survive by any means necessary.
Hollywood-Produzent Ben steckt tief in der Krise: Seine Tochter Zoe tanzt ihm auf der Nase herum, der neue Film von Sean Penn der in Cannes uraufgeführt werden soll, macht nur Probleme und Bruce Willis will sich für seine aktuelle Produktion nicht von seinem Vollbart trennen.

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