• vor 2 Jahren
Year (Jahr): 2009
Release Date (Veröffentlichungsdatum): 2009-05-14
Duration (Spieldauer): 99 min
IMDB: 6.5 | Rotten Tomatoes: 67% | TMDB: 6.2
Director (Regie): Jac Schaeffer
Actors (Schauspieler): Emma Caulfield Ford, Scott Holroyd, Kali Rocha
Writers (Drehbuch): Jac Schaeffer
Country (Land): United States
Original language (Original-Sprache): English

What if a clock could count down to the moment you meet your soul mate? In this alternate version of present day Los Angeles, a revolutionary device called the TiMER fulfills this very fantasy. For a reasonable installation fee and a moderate monthly charge, a TiMER is implanted in the wrist and promises to accurately display the number of days, hours, minutes and seconds until the owner’s date with destiny. However, things aren’t so easy for Oona O’Leary (EMMA CAULFIELD, Buffy the Vampire Slayer). Oona faces the rare dilemma of a blank TiMER; her soul mate—whoever and wherever he is—doesn’t have a TiMER. While her family and friends move through life with predetermined romantic fates, Oona searches for her perfect match via the process of elimination, tentatively dating TiMER—less men, but never getting emotionally invested. Often, Oona even convinces her suitors to get TiMERs, only to have her hopes crushed time and time again. Staring down the barrel of thirty and tired of waiting for her would—be life partner to get off the dime, Oona breaks her own rules and falls for Mikey (JOHN PATRICK AMEDORI, Gossip Girl), a charming and inappropriately young supermarket clerk with a countdown of four months. But what will happen when those four months are up? Only when Oona ignores the ticking clock can she finally experience the exhilarating and unpredictable hot mess that is love.
Eine Uhr, welche die Zeit anzeigen könnte, die bis zur Begegnung mit deinem Seelengefährten vergeht? In einer alternativen Version des heutigen Los Angeles lässt ein revolutionäres Gerät namens TiMER diese Fantasie wahrwerden. Für eine nicht allzu teure Installationsgebühr und geringe monatliche Kosten wird ein TiMER in das Handgelenk implantiert und zeigt fortan sekundengenau die verbleibende Zeit bis zur Begegnung mit der großen Liebe an. Klingt das nicht verlockend?

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