MPV's Original Documentary "The Executive Empress" reveals the lives of 6 Florida "Womenpreneurs" who have turned their individual passions into their livelihoods.
**Radio Talk Show host Julie Wilder
*Creator of Florida Soap Company Misty Wheeler Belin
*Founder of Poca's Hot Sauce Wendy Davis
*Lion King" star Sellhoane Nkhela
and Musical Guests Jamie Lynn Martens (TV Show Archer), Milka and much more in this full length Documentary.
Watch on Alice Movies on Xumo, Plex, Amazon Prime Video, The Timeless Network, Millennium TV, In Spades TV and Mometu. Rated PG-13.
**Radio Talk Show host Julie Wilder
*Creator of Florida Soap Company Misty Wheeler Belin
*Founder of Poca's Hot Sauce Wendy Davis
*Lion King" star Sellhoane Nkhela
and Musical Guests Jamie Lynn Martens (TV Show Archer), Milka and much more in this full length Documentary.
Watch on Alice Movies on Xumo, Plex, Amazon Prime Video, The Timeless Network, Millennium TV, In Spades TV and Mometu. Rated PG-13.
Short film