5 BLACK cops kill a BLACK GUY (Tyre Nichols). I demand justice! And an Ps5, plasma TV, some shoes..

Jim Crenshaw

by Jim Crenshaw

Low IQ assholes. This will probably cause the closing of several Walmart's and Waffle Houses. Why don't these dumb asses go burn down the ghetto? Most of it needs urban renewal. Once they put these businesses out of business they will cry racism because nobody wants to put a store in the middle of all these shitheads. All they need is an excuse to act this way and sometimes not even an excuse.

BLM? Burn, Loot and Murder is what it looks like to me. Did they rob the book store? Did they rob the shoe store of any work boots? Every time some black gets killed it turns into a Christmas party. If I owned one of these businesses I would shoot so many holes in their asses they would not know witch one to use to take a crap. Did they grab a iPod because Tyre would have wanted them to have one? Did any of them think to grab some valentines candy for their favorite ho?

You cannot take any people, of any color or gender, and exempt them from the requirements of civilization -- including work, behavioral standards, personal responsibility and all the other basic things that the clever intelligentsia disdain -- without ruinous consequences to them and to society at large.