"A court in Gandhinagar on Tuesday sentenced self-styled godman Asaram Bapu, convicted in a rape case filed by a former woman disciple in 2013, to life imprisonment.The 81-year-old is currently lodged in a Jodhpur jail, where he is serving life sentence in another case of raping a minor girl at his ashram in Rajasthan in 2013.
#AsaramBapu #Asaram #Gandhinagar #Jodhpur #Rajasthan #LifeImprisonment #RapeCase #HWNews #LifetimeImprisonment #Rape #Saint #Sadhu #Jail
#AsaramBapu #Asaram #Gandhinagar #Jodhpur #Rajasthan #LifeImprisonment #RapeCase #HWNews #LifetimeImprisonment #Rape #Saint #Sadhu #Jail