• hace 2 años
"Rag Baby's Gwine Be Mine"

Maude Raymond

Edison Standard Record 10463


Maude Raymond was an American actress and singer. She was born Rachel Rogers in 1871. Her heyday on the stage was from 1899 to 1910 or so.

She made recordings for the Victor Talking Machine Company in 1909.

She made Edison cylinders in 1910.

Photographs of her face were on the covers of various pieces of sheet music.

In recording studios, she most often covered upbeat ragtime songs (sometimes called "coon" songs). Her records did not sell particularly well.

She was married to an actor who was a member of the successful Rogers Brothers, active on stage.

Did the name for the two Rogers Brothers (Gus and Max) come from Maude? Her maiden name was Rogers. The two men had the original surname Solomon (their father Morris Solomon was a comedian). The Rogers team was considered a rival to Weber & Fields.

She died in 1961.

"Rag Baby's Gwine Be Mine" Maude Raymond on Edison Standard Record 10463 (1910) Gus and Max Rogers


