Bachun Ko Namaz Seekhany Ka Tareeqa - Sahil Adeem Ki Zubani - @TheThinkersOfficial

  • last year
Namaz is the name of the daily prayers performed by Muslims. Children are encouraged to start learning and performing namaz at a young age, as it is considered an important part of a Muslim's life and a way to connect with God. Children can learn to perform namaz by observing and learning from their parents or other adults in the community, and by attending religious classes or lessons. It is also common for children to learn namaz through the use of prayer books or other educational materials that provide guidance on how to perform the various prayers.

When it comes to a 7 year old child then what should be the parents responsibility regarding the learning of Namaz to their child? What should be the way out and method of teaching? How a mother specially could play her role in this regard? What should be the imitative of parents while telling their child about Allah? How parents could introduce Allah Infront of their children? How parents could draw the picture and imagination of Jannah and Hell to their children and specially what is the best age to teach them these concept?

Sahil Adeem is going to answer all these questions in this video with a real time example from his life. Watch the video till end and share maximum for the masses. Also watchout the latest uploads of Sahil Adeem listed below. JAZAKALLAH.
