• last year
Irreversible Straight Cut Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: "Acclaimed filmmaker Gaspar Noé’s unflinching exploration of human savagery and the uncompromising nature of time, Irreversible was met with a groundswell of acclaim and uproar upon its premiere in 2002. Stylish, sexually frank, and brutal, the film’s conceit of exploring the events of one terrible night on the streets of Paris in reverse chronological order was celebrated and derided in equal measure, helping to further cement Noé’s legacy as a cinematic enfant terrible. Nearly 20 years later, Noé has brought Irreversible back, presenting his “Straight Cut”. This reconfigured vision allowed audiences to see the events of the film unfold in the order in which they occur, providing new context for pivotal scenes of brutality and the subsequent quest for revenge. Not for the faint of heart, easily offended, or anyone with photosensitivity, this is Noé's dark masterpiece."

Director Gaspar Noé
Writers Gaspar Noé
Actors Monica Bellucci, Vincent Cassel, Albert Dupontel
Genre Foreign, Thriller, Drama
Run Time 1 hour 26 minutes
