• 2 years ago
Kiara Advani and Sidharth Malhotra tied the knot on February 7. The couple shared beautiful pictures from their big day. The newlywed couple wrote in the caption, “Ab humari permanent booking ho gayi hai.” The couple were showered with congratulatory messages. Actor Alia Bhatt wrote, “Congratulations you two.” Actor Katrina Kaif said, “All the love to you both.” Actor Vicky Kaushal wrote, “May life together be full of eternal bliss.” Filmmaker Karan Johar, who attended the wedding, penned an emotional note. Ram Charan and wife Upasana Kamineni Konidela also congratulated the lovely couple. Shahid Kapoor and Mira Rajput attended the wedding. Isha Ambani and husband Anand Piramal also reached Jaisalmer for the wedding. The wedding took place at Suryagarh Palace in Jaisalmer. Watch the video to see the lovely pictures.


