Calling the decision correct and expressing his confidence over the appointment, former Allahabad High Court Judge Justice Sakharam Singh Yadav on February 12 in Noida took the side of the decision of appointing retired Supreme Court judge Justice Abdul Nazeer as Andhra Pradesh’s Governor. Recalling the times when the two worked together a few times, Justice Sakharam Singh Yadav said that Justice Abdul Nazeer always did justice to his work and will do the same as the newly appoint state Governor. The appointment of retired SC judge Justice Abdul Nazeer as the third Governor of AndhraPradesh by President Droupadi Murmu has triggered a reaction by the Opposition. “The appointment is correct. He always gave corrected judgments and did justice to his work. I worked with him. I’m confident over his work. This has happened before as well,” Justice Sakharam Singh Yadav said.