नाक के आसपास नजर आने वाली लालिमा या रेडनेस, का कारण इंफेक्शन हो सकता है। नाक के आसपास नजर आने वाली रेडनेस को दूर करने के लिए कुछ आसान उपायों की मदद ले सकते हैं। इन उपायों को घर पर ट्राई कर सकते हैं।
Redness or redness seen around the nose can be caused by infection. To remove the redness seen around the nose, you can take the help of some easy measures. You can try these remedies at home.
#NoseRedness #Noseremove
Redness or redness seen around the nose can be caused by infection. To remove the redness seen around the nose, you can take the help of some easy measures. You can try these remedies at home.
#NoseRedness #Noseremove