Beer Prohibited/Banned in USA? - کیا امریکہ میں شراب پر پابندی - Bundles Of Knowledge

  • last year
Beer Prohibited/Banned in USA? - کیا امریکہ میں شراب پر پابندی - Bundles Of Knowledge

How to "unprepare" alcohol.

From January 1920 to December 1933, alcohol was prohibited in the United States. And it was strictly illegal and a punishable offense to manufacture, possess, sell, buy and drink alcohol in America.
But keeping Americans away from alcohol is like keeping Indian people away from tea.
During this period, shopkeepers and sellers used to carry canned brick-sized cubes of dried grapes.
And along with these instructions were written that:
"After dissolving it in a liter of water and adding yeast to it, never keep it in the cupboard for 20 days because it will become alcohol."

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