New Device Will Allow Smartphones to Send Texts via Satellite

  • last year
New Device Will Allow Smartphones , to Send Texts via Satellite.
New Device Will Allow Smartphones , to Send Texts via Satellite.
'The Guardian' reports that British
phone manufacturer Bullitt announced
the Defy Satellite link under the
Motorola brand on Feb. 24.
The Defy Satellite link connects to Android and iPhone smartphones via Bluetooth.
It then uses an app to send SOS messages
and standard SMS texts.
The device costs $99 and will be
available to purchase in Q2 2023.
Bullitt co-founder Dave Floyd issued a statement.
The Motorola Defy Satellite
link, combined with the
Bullitt Satellite Messenger
service, brings accessible
and affordable satellite
messaging to everybody’s
current smartphone, Dave Floyd, Bullitt co-founder, via statement.
This is the definition of democratizing satellite communications, Dave Floyd, Bullitt co-founder, via statement.
Bullitt has also announced a new
satellite-enabled smartphone, which comes in
two versions, Cat S75 and the Motorola Defy 2. .
The phones have 5G connectivity and
battery power that lasts two days.
Texts take about 10 seconds to transmit
after being sent to and from satellites
nearly 22,000 miles from the equator.
Reliable communication beyond the traditional reaches of the cellular network is a major issue for a lot of people, and satellite technology is now at the right level of maturity
to address the problem, Tim Shepherd, Bullitt’s senior director of applications
and product marketing, to CNBC