Coffee: good or bad for health?

Coffee is one of the most popular drinks of our time.

The birthplace of coffee is the province of Kafa in Ethiopia, but coffee under the guise of drinking appeared in the 15th century on the Arabian Peninsula, in Yemen.
In Europe, coffee became known in the 17th century.

When did coffee first appear in Europe? European countries have had trade ties with the Near and Middle East for a long time. And coffee has been known in Europe for a long time. It has even been used as a medicine. The first European coffee house resigned in Venice in 1645. Already in 1675, only in England, there were about 3,000 coffee houses. Still, in some countries this drink spread slowly due to religious prejudice. Coffee first came to the United States in 1668 in the city of New Amsterdam (today's New York).

In the past, coffee was considered harmful for women, while it was considered beneficial for men. Later, thanks to scientific research, it was proved that the effect of coffee on women and men.

Caffeine is an important active ingredient in coffee. Also called 1,3,7-trimethylexanthine, theine, mateine, guaranine. This alkaloid is found in kola nuts, tea leaves and coffee beans. In terms of pharmacological properties, caffeine is very similar to theophylline and theobromine.

In small doses, caffeine is characterized by positive effects on motor activity, enhances positive and conditioned reflexes, reduces drowsiness and fatigue, and increases physical and mental activity. In large doses, coffee can damage nerve cells.

In the presence of caffeine in the body: the reflex excitability of the brain increases, the nerve centers of the respiratory and vasomotor systems are excited, the effect of narcotic and hypnotic drugs decreases, diuresis increases as a result of a decrease in the reabsorption of electrolytes in the kidneys due to caffeine, shock conditions under the influence of caffeine can cause increased arterial pressure, platelet aggregation decreases and secretion in the stomach increases, heart activity increases, and myocardial contractions become more frequent and intense.

Coffee is useful for intoxication with narcotic substances, in the treatment of diseases associated with a decrease in the functions of the cardiovascular system and the central nervous system, and in infectious diseases.

Coffee contains fats, digestible carbohydrates, tannins, caffeine, esters of quinic and caffeic acids, trigoneplin, purine bases, minerals, trace elements, oxalic acid, about 200 substances in total. 75% of raw grains are indigestible polysaccharides.

Drinking coffee causes a short-term increase in blood pressure (BP) and an increase in heart rate. In people who regularly take coffee, no effects are observed.
People who consume more than 5 cups of coffee a day are more at risk of high blood pressure than those who do not.