Harry Styles and Elton John among celebrities declining to perform at King Charles’s coronation concert

  • last year
Harry Styles, Elton John and the Spice Girls are the latest artists to turn down the opportunity to perform at King Charles’ coronation concert. According to The Daily Express, John and Styles had to decline the opportunity as they are both on tour and couldn’t fit it around their schedules. The Spice Girls were supposedly all set to confirm but recently backed out. This comes after it was reported that Adele and Ed Sheeran also declined the opportunity to perform at the coronation concert. It’s not all bad news though, as Kylie Minogue, Take That and Lionel Richie are supposedly set to perform at the concert. Take That is also on tour this summer but according to The Daily Mail they kept May 7 free in case they were asked to perform for King Charles.King Charles' coronation will take place May 6 and the concert will take place May 7.